Water from Presidential Borehole Scheme is free, Tungwarara tells Zanu-PF supporters in Chitungwiza

Water from Presidential Borehole Scheme is free, Tungwarara tells Zanu-PF supporters in Chitungwiza

Prevail International Group Managing director Paul Tempter Tungwarara has told Zanu-PF supporters in Seke Unit E and H of Zengeza West Constituency that water from the Presidential Borehole Scheme is free for everyone and no one must pay for it’s access since it is a Presidential gesture.

This comes amid revelations that some people were now selling the water.

President Mnangagwa has drilled a 150 metre dip borehole in between Unit E and H in Chitungwiza under the Presidential Borehole drilling scheme.

President Mnangagwa has drilled a 150 metre dip borehole in between Unit E and H in Chitungwiza under the Presidential Borehole drilling scheme.
Water from Presidential Borehole Scheme is free, Tungwarara tells Zanu-PF supporters in Chitungwiza
Water from Presidential Borehole Scheme is free, Tungwarara tells Zanu-PF supporters in Chitungwiza
The Presidential boreholes are expected to serve people in surrounding households.

The scheme is in line with President Mnangagwa’s vision of providing clean water to all citizens, especially in urban areas which have been run down by opposition parties since 2000.

The crowd vowed to vote for President Mnangagwa and Zanu PF in the upcoming general election.

“We are not going to listen to what people say, we are focused on implementing this project. We are not going to listen to people who want to divert the focus of this project for it to fail we are here to deliver,” Tungwarara said.

He thanked the President for giving water to the people of Chitungwiza.

The current borehole-drilling exercise is a stopgap measure to supply potable water to urban areas plagued by inept local authorities, as Government is presently constructing water bodies that will provide long-lasting relief, President Mnangagwa has said.

Construction of Kunzvi Dam for Harare has begun while Lake Gwayi-Shangani — which will end Bulawayo’s perennial water challenges — is nearing completion.

The President told multitudes that gathered for the commissioning of three borehole systems under the Presidential Borehole Drilling Scheme in Glen View 3, Harare, yesterday, that the programme would reach all areas in distress.

Two additional drilling rigs have already been secured for the scheme.

The borehole system feeds piped water into 110 households.

“When we went to the United Arab Emirates in March, we met with billionaires in that country. They listened to my presentation at the Dubai Expo and requested a meeting. They asked what they could do for Zimbabwe. I asked them for four borehole rigs as I knew that there are communities which are in need of water. Immediately they agreed and they sent them,” said President Mnangagwa.

The delivery of the equipment heralded the launch of the Presidential Borehole Drilling Scheme in Chitungwiza in March.

“In Chitungwiza we have already drilled 68 boreholes and their impact was immediately felt. I engaged the billionaires again asking them for two more drilling rigs, they agreed, so two more are on the way. This means we will have six rigs for this programme.”

President Mnangagwa said he was touched by the plight of Harare residents.

“After St Mary’s Chitungwiza, I sent the two rigs to Glen View. They are still here; they will not leave until the whole of Glen View has clean water.”

Government, however, is working on durable solutions that will solve water challenges in urban areas.

“Water is life! In its absence, diseases increase. As Government, we saw that Harare has water problems. We are building Kunzvi, Nyatsime and Musami dams — they will give us enough water to cover all residential areas in the city. We also realised that there is too much water in Mashonaland East, especially Marondera, so we are sinking pipes to allow Ruwa to use the water. It is impossible for us to get water at the same time. I want to tell those yet to be reached by our rigs that you will get them without fail,” he said.

By yesterday, 10 boreholes had been drilled in Glen View while three had been kitted for immediate use.

The suburb is prone to waterborne diseases, as the cholera outbreaks of 2008 and 2018 seriously affected the area.

The President promised 3 000 home owners, who have not yet received title deeds since occupying their houses in 1979, that he has engaged council to solve the matter.

“I have heard that there are 3 000 houses which are due to get title deeds from the council, as their agreement was that they would get their title deeds after a certain time, which has passed. I have engaged the Acting Mayor (Councillor Stewart Mutizwa) and he said he is working on it, so we expect them to deliver the title deeds,” he said.

The Head of State and Government took the opportunity to have a walkabout and pleasantly surprised a family along 71 Crescent in Glen View 3 by paying them an impromptu visit.

“I want to see for myself if it is true that the borehole water is reaching homes as I was told,” President Mnangagwa said as he entered the yard.

He had a casual discussion with the Gideon family, who told The Sunday Mail that President Mnangagwa is the most important visitor they had received in their home for the 20 years they have owned it.
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